Sunday, April 3, 2011

LOVE + Shoes

Kevin Cai (蔡康永), a famous author, TV host, but now also a shoes designer of his own collection "Cai". If you watch Kang Xi Lai Le lately, Xiao S was wearing some of his shoes in the show. I'm totally obsess with it. >.<

I must admit, Cai Kang Yong really a 鬼才. All 7 different styles of shoes, he puts into a love story in each of them, making them so meaningful. No wonder so many girls wanted to get one as their wedding shoes. That included me :3 (shoes maniac) And through his several conversations in the show, about his shoes's autograph session in China, it was a big success. Absolutely expectable, just take a look at those shoes. Who doesn't like them??

Go the website above, you can read and understand all those story underneath those shoes.
Besides, you can watch some videos about love stories he created in his "Cai" official website,

His shoes are killers!!! Gosh, I'm so in love with the Search and Found, Fly Find Me True Love. Imagine wearing a wedding dress matches with those shoes. Cool~ 
Kang Yong said many of his fans bought the Find Me True Love for wedding. Don't you think it's so lovely, to wear on that special day?

How about girls who reading this post? Which's your favourite one^^


Unknown said...

Searh and Found, FLY!!!

/baliping/ said...

Luckily I never love high heel :3